M4a79xtd Evo Windows 10 Drivers

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I tried it for 27 days and really liked many aspects of Win10. Win10 64 bit did seem to be a bit snappier and better performing than my Win7 64 bit. Using BOINC running stuff like SETI@home, Einstein@home, etc. That stuff ran better than Win7 but still a touch behind Linux but catching up. As far as gaming, hard to say but some games did seem smoother and better performing a tad. I know I ran WoT, Unreal Tournament (yeah, the original), LOTRO and WoWS a lot under Win10 and they seemed to run fine.

Flight Simulator X to me seemed to run among the best under Windows 10, don't know why. Asus S200e Touchpad Driver Windows 10. Sony Vaio Vpceh Drivers Windows 10. Could be newer OS optimizations or something, who knows. But yeah,l about the 27 days thing. I had to roll back due to my motherboard not being fully Win10 compatible. Amd Driver Windows 10 Black Screen.
