Display Driver Amd Stopped Responding And Has Recovered Windows 10

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I used to get this heaps with my gtx 770 OC, always when the card got too hot. I used a temp monitor that read the temps of the gpu, gpu memory, gpu vrm. As temps got high in the mem/vrm software failed. Turning up gpu fans above 80% stopped it.

Or turning down the cards oc down to reference gpu settings stopped it also, either one. Conclusion was temps as cause. Acer V226hql Driver Windows 10 there. Now i have another pc but using same 770, the case has hi flow fans up front and no obstructions, allows fans to cool gpu nicely and never has this happened again without the gpu fan/oc tweaks. And yes gpu temps seemed not too bad when it did this, so believe its the affect on gpu mem/vrm The factories really pushed their overclocks to the edge of stability and cooling must be great.

Display Driver Amd Stopped Responding And Has Recovered Windows 10

Hi all, I'm having this frequent problem with my desktop computer. Since updating from Windows 7 to Windows 10, every time I use my PC (at random times) the whole screen will just go blank and I'll get a little message popup in the right hand corner saying. Display driver stopped responding and has recovered Display driver AMD driver stopped responding and has successfully recovered. Pnp Monitor Driver Windows 10 here.

I don't use my PC for anything real heavy it just randomly happens. From either scrolling up and down a website page or watching a YouTube video etc. I've tried upgrading my graphics driver but still no luck. Computer type: PC/Desktop System Manufacturer/Model Number: DELL INSPIRON ONE OS: Windows 10 CPU: AMD Athlon II X2 240 Motherboard: Dell 0DPRF9 Memory: DDR 3 4GB Graphics Card(s): AMD Mobility Radeon HD 5000 Series Thanks. I had a similar issue with my GT 610 card and the current display drivers.